Scrapbook-style Greeting Card

Greeting card with scrap of paper and fabric

Printed paper
Stamped letters
Fabric piece
Card stock
Let your creativity flow freely

At the moment I am creating greeting cards. I have a box full of scrap paper, labels and other things I collect from different sources.

I assemble them and make them into cards like the one above. Years ago I taught art classes and my students of many years knew that almost everything we used to create with had a story and asked for it. So, I tell you the story of the fabric piece in the middle of this card.

It was on August 13, 2004 when I went to the "Self-Realization Fellowship" garden in Encinitas. I walked through the peaceful garden and I choose a nice spot to sit down and to meditate for a while. I wrote in my journal quite a long poem and a page and a half journal entry. Reading the entry in my journal it seems that August 13th was a day where I felt happy and peaceful, full of appreciation for my life, health and body and when I was able to let go of fears and expectations. If you have been in this garden you know that just by being there you will feel some of this peace and happiness.

Afterwards I went to Swami beach and walked barefoot in the sand. At some point I decided to go in the water and swam in the waves for quite a long time. It felt wonderful. On the way back up the stairs something orange cought my eyes. And there lay the small piece of beautiful fabric you can see now on the card. I picked it up, washed the sand of and after drying put it in my journal where I found it again after six years.

Sich schälen,
Neu erwachen, neu werden.
Farbige Fische,
Blitzen in der Wasseroberfläche:
Intensive, in Bewegung.
Die Stille und Schönheit
Nimmt mich auf.
Ich versinke, blühe auf.

Sich schälen,
Bringt ein mulmiges Gefühl:
Ängste stehen zuvorderst.
Macht nichts.
Ich sehe, spüre sie
Und lasse sie aus mir raus fliessen.
Ich lasse sie Los.

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This is so beautiful Pia.
Love to you and yours,